North Greenville Food Crisis Ministry: Precision Valve Food Drive

North Greenville Food Crisis Ministry- clothing, crisis funds, and food pantry

Monday, November 28, 2011

Precision Valve Food Drive

Do you ever drive by a building time and time again and wonder what they do inside?  For a few years now I have driven out onto the highway at the BP Station on Edwards Road and looked straight ahead toward Kreiger Drive at a large red building across the way and wondered what it was.  Likewise I have driven down Kreiger Drive and not seen such a red building.  Funny how the angle of vision makes such a difference.  You see it from one direction, but not the other.Well, I recently was invited into that big red building and learned it is filled with hard working, innovative, loyal employees of Precision Valve. 

Next time you use a can of spray paint, or squirt whipping cream on your desert, you can be proud that the valve design and assembly was completed right here in TR.  Here is a sample of some of their products. 
These workers are compassionate and share our concern for people in our community who are living below the poverty level.  They are sensitive to those who are disabled, or may have lost a job, or may be senior citizens on a fixed income in need of a helping hand. 
Just before Thanksgiving the 300 employees of the two Precision Valve locations in the Travelers Rest area donated six large shipping bins full of necessities for families in crisis to North Greenville Food Crisis Ministry. 

Darren Wright, Human Resource Director, and Gail Dilworth, Director of Payroll, invited members of the NGFCM Board of Directors to watch as a fork lift loaded 6 large Gaylord boxes onto a flatbed truck for “the pantry.”  Each bin was filled with canned goods, boxed food items, hygiene products, baby items, blankets and warm winter coats.  
These supplies are most welcome as we approach the winter months and the challenge of providing necessities for families in crisis in northern Greenville County

Our heartfelt thanks to Darren Wright, Gail Dilworth, Bill Brown, Linda Mullinax, Gail Bolt, Bill Garren, Debbie McNeely and Jerry Ellingwood who represent just a few of the many who gave from their hearts. May you all feel the blessing that comes from giving to others.

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